Here are questions to consider when requesting a Zinger index:
Number, Style, and Format of Index
How many indexes do you want? A single index? Or two indexes, covering names and subject areas? What style of index? Typically I use Chicago (15th ed.) style. If you have seen a style of index that you like, I can try to duplicate it.
Do you want the index to be indented or run-in? Indented indexes are easier to read, but run-in indexes usually take less space. How deep or detailed do you want the index to be: main heading and one level of subheadings or is there a need for sub-subheadings as well?
What font would you like me to use?
Arrangement of Entries
Do you want the index alphabetized letter-by-letter or word-by-word? Usually letter-by-letter is preferred, but word-by-word will group similar words together. You may also consider chronological order for biographical works.
Do you want number terms alphabetized as spelled out, such as “nineteen eighty-eight” for 1988? Do you want numbers and symbols sorted to the top of the index?
Would you like a space and alpha headers between alphabetical sections of the index?
Cross-Reference Format and Placement
Main heading cross-references can be formatted in a variety of ways: term. See xyz OR term. see xyz OR term, see xyz OR term (see xyz). What is your preference?
Where do you want a See also placement: at the bottom of the entry as the last subentry OR running off of the main heading?
Do you want any cross-references between subheadings?
Do you have any particular requirements for punctuation between a term and its locators? Between a term and its cross-reference? Between multiple locators?
Do you want main headings to be capitalized or only proper nouns? How about subheadings?
Reference Locators
Do you have a preference about how the locators (page numbers, paragraphs, or sections) should be cited?
Do you have a preference for citing endnotes, tables, figures, and photos?
Length of Index
How many lines are allotted for the final index?
How will the page proofs be delivered to me: hard copy, PDF file, or some other method? When can I expect them?
In what format do you want the index delivered: single-spaced, double-spaced, hard copy, or by email? I typically deliver in rich text format (.rtf file) via email attachment.
Price and Miscellaneous
Will you pay by price per page proof or by the hour?
Are there any special requirements for the index that were not discussed above?
Would you like me to generate a list of errata?
Number, Style, and Format of Index
How many indexes do you want? A single index? Or two indexes, covering names and subject areas? What style of index? Typically I use Chicago (15th ed.) style. If you have seen a style of index that you like, I can try to duplicate it.
Do you want the index to be indented or run-in? Indented indexes are easier to read, but run-in indexes usually take less space. How deep or detailed do you want the index to be: main heading and one level of subheadings or is there a need for sub-subheadings as well?
What font would you like me to use?
Arrangement of Entries
Do you want the index alphabetized letter-by-letter or word-by-word? Usually letter-by-letter is preferred, but word-by-word will group similar words together. You may also consider chronological order for biographical works.
Do you want number terms alphabetized as spelled out, such as “nineteen eighty-eight” for 1988? Do you want numbers and symbols sorted to the top of the index?
Would you like a space and alpha headers between alphabetical sections of the index?
Cross-Reference Format and Placement
Main heading cross-references can be formatted in a variety of ways: term. See xyz OR term. see xyz OR term, see xyz OR term (see xyz). What is your preference?
Where do you want a See also placement: at the bottom of the entry as the last subentry OR running off of the main heading?
Do you want any cross-references between subheadings?
Do you have any particular requirements for punctuation between a term and its locators? Between a term and its cross-reference? Between multiple locators?
Do you want main headings to be capitalized or only proper nouns? How about subheadings?
Reference Locators
Do you have a preference about how the locators (page numbers, paragraphs, or sections) should be cited?
Do you have a preference for citing endnotes, tables, figures, and photos?
Length of Index
How many lines are allotted for the final index?
How will the page proofs be delivered to me: hard copy, PDF file, or some other method? When can I expect them?
In what format do you want the index delivered: single-spaced, double-spaced, hard copy, or by email? I typically deliver in rich text format (.rtf file) via email attachment.
Price and Miscellaneous
Will you pay by price per page proof or by the hour?
Are there any special requirements for the index that were not discussed above?
Would you like me to generate a list of errata?